Admin Adventures

Format a Linux USB or SD Card Using Windows

1 minute read

You may have noticed that if you connect a disk with Linux partitions to your Windows box, that you cannot view all of the files or the size of the drive see...

Upgrade Ubuntu from the Command-line

less than 1 minute read

Here is the quick down and dirty on how to upgrade Ubuntu via the command line. If you have a firewall or an older version installed, then there may be some ...

How to Install Windows Terminal

1 minute read

Windows Terminal is a new terminal emulator developed by Microsoft for Windows 10. The current release is still in Preview but is quite stable. Let’s quickly...

How to Setup Windows Subsystem for Linux

2 minute read

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) provides you with a handy Bash shell running directly in Windows 10 without the need for a local virtual machine or a remot...

Setting up DuckDNS in a Docker Container

2 minute read

DuckDNS is a free dynamic DNS service that will point a subdomain of to an IP of your choice. This IP can then be updated using a scripted proces...